+1 978-710-3854 [email protected] Mon - Fri: 9.00am - 5.00pm

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Safety Practices at work

Safety is and will always be a top priority. Employees must do everything they can to ensure the safety of clients and co-workers. Put safety first. Understand and follow the safety and health rules and practices that apply to the job responsibilities. Take precautions necessary to protect Humble employees, clients and equipment from harmful or […]

To wear a mask or not to wear a mask

To wear a mask or not to wear a mask? To use gloves or not use them? A couple of weeks in since the quarantine period began due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and everyone is handling the situation a little bit different. Life has changed for many Americans, travel plans have been cut short, […]

Love Hope Perseverance

This are trying times indeed. But in every trial, there is a silver lining, and at the moment we have to look deep within to find it. Many a people have had their daily lives disrupted; what was once routine seems like a distant memory. If there is a lesson to be taken from this […]

Activities for Older Adults with Dementia

The Alzheimer’s Association suggests making a daily plan of activities for the person with dementia. A plan adds structure to the day and gives the person with dementia a sense of dignity and self-esteem. The plan should include a variety of chores and dun activities based on the person’s interests and skills. Tips for Planning […]

Fall prevention for adults

Our loved ones have been living well and independent for a while now, but as they get up in age the risks associated with falling increase exponentially. Adults 65 years and older are at risk of for falls, which could result in a serious injury and lead to the end of independent and active living. […]

Perserverance, the story of us

NOW, is all we got! Yesterday is but a memory and while tomorrow a projection of what has happened in the past. We as a people are resilient, humanity makes best out of any circumstance. It is easy to go on accepting reality as how it is compared to realizing that we create our reality […]

The invincible force: The power behind the internet

The year is 1989 and sir Tim Berners-Lee a young British computer scientist is working at the Geneva particle laboratory In Switzerland. He realizes that despite the scientific progression made during research at the facility, the information sharing process was a tad bit slow. He proposed sharing information through connected computers to speed up the […]

The Humble Way

“There are only four kinds of people in the world. Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who need a caregiver,” Rosalyn Carter. Care-giving is an act of compassion, one that requires humility and patience in the face of adversity. It is also an act […]

Humble Home Services Moves into Tewksbury

Referrals are the greatest form of compliments and we are so excited to announce that we are expanding our care to surrounding towns. Below is an article that was published in the “Tewksbury Town Crier”. The article was authored by Julia Sessa. TEWKSBURY — This past January “Humble Home Care Services” opened a new location […]